E.A.T. Food for Life Farm
Dan and Nancy Kremer
14360 Mangen Rd.
Yorkshire, OH 45388
Listing updated 06 04, 2024
grass-fed beef, pork, poultry, eggs, hay, straw, cheese, bread, honey, fermented vegetables and sauerkraut, wheat, and herds hares sold to access raw milk.
Our family's mission is to grow and directly sell organic, grass-fed animal products, grains, and produce. We have an on-site farm store, and we are at 1120 Wayne Ave. near downtown Dayton every Sat. 8 a.m.-Noon. We have a carpool network in the Cincinnati area to pick up CSA orders at our Dayton location. Contact us Mon. 10 AM - 3 PM, Tues. & Wed. 10AM - 6 PM by phone, email or text.
Text: eatfoodforlife@icloud.com
Dan and Nancy Kremer (419) 336-5433
Web site: www.eatfoodforlife.com
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